Oblivion: A contemporary Pride and Prejudice variation by Elin Eriksen

Oblivion: A contemporary Pride and Prejudice variation by Elin Eriksen

Author:Elin Eriksen [Eriksen, Elin]
Language: eng
Format: mobi
Published: 2022-03-01T00:00:00+00:00

Chapter 12


When Elizabeth got her screen changed on her phone on Monday afternoon, there were so many unanswered calls and texts that she deleted them all, unread. One might think it would be wise to check them first but Elizabeth had soon discovered that her little fib to her aunt about being in Meryton, which was after all her original plan, had been found out.

Her mum, aunt and sister had called many times and sent a gazillion texts. She didn’t need to read them to know what was in them.

She had told them the truth, though only the part she wanted to tell. She’d taken a mini holiday to go hiking in the Peaks. The last bout of crazy before her life became mundane and predictable. Her penchant for the outdoors—peaks, in particular—was well known in the family. She’d taken a few pictures to prove it although most of the pictures had already been deleted (or moved to some cloud storage she never used).

She would have to speak to Fitzwilliam sometime in the future when her hormones had been reset to normal and the mere thought of him didn’t set her heart racing in her chest.


“Hey, Lizzy, what happened to your fencing mate.”

Her uncle had a weird sense of humour but at the moment she had no idea what he was talking about.


“You know, the tall brooding man you coughed up all the swear words you know to berate at Jane’s party. Seen him since?”

“Yes, well, he went with me to my last scan.”

Bugger, she should not have said that. She could see her uncle’s little grey cells working overtime, and when enlightenment hit.

“That was the weekend you went on your little holiday and came back as a Valkyrie. I get it now. I suppose that didn’t work out so well?”

Elizabeth shook her head. “No, it didn’t.”

“Yet, there are flowers delivered to your door every Friday?”

“Yes, but I don’t know who they’re from, there’s never any card or anything.”

“How many admirers have you got?”

“That’s exactly it, I haven’t got any! I’ve got no idea who sends me flowers, I kind of thought it might be Mum, trying to cheer me up.”

“And not taking credit for it?”

“No, you’re right. She never would have done that, neither would Jane. She would’ve attached some words of wisdom or sickeningly sweet proverbs. Are you sure it isn’t you or Aunt Madeline who ordered them?”

“Yes, of that I am sure, but I think you need to speak to Mr You-know-who.”

“I will!”

“That was too easy.”

“When hell freezes over or my baby has been born. Whatever comes first.”

“It went that badly?”


“It may be better if you two met on neutral ground. I’d be happy to invite him over to our house. Surrounded by family you’ll have to act with some reserve and that might be what’s needed to talk to each other like civilised people.”

“Who says it’s me that needs reserve?”

Her uncle raised his eyebrows towards his receding hairline.

“Fine, I’ll think about it...”


The baby kicked her in the ribs.


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